Six Hoax Tips For Getting Wealthy While Doing A Middle-Class Routine.

It wasn’t the lack of desire that held the masses back from getting wealthy, but the lack of belief in their own ability to make it happen.

Ahmed Aqel


Women wear an expensive brown jacket and she is surrounded by money. She looks happy and looks at the camera.
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

During the pandemic, life changed; the fear, stress, and anxiety that chased us can’t describe.
Dinner meals that were full of fun, great conversations turned to the voices of chew food amid absent-mindedness. We became afraid to see friends face to face without worrying about death.

The world economy worsened, with losses for companies estimated in the millions, and countries declared an emergency to protect the economy from collapse.

Most of the companies fired the employees or reduced their salaries.
Both things suck’ cause I know that you have student debt, bills, car loans, mortgage payments.
I know what you feel right now because I got fired from the company when the government announced the lockdown in March.
In those moments, I couldn’t even pay for my basic needs. During this period, I was absent-minded, stressed, and fearful.
At lunchtime with my family, I repeated this question to myself several times: how am I going to handle these expenses without an income.?

Suddenly, I heard the news: Jeff Bezos and Amazon rank as having the highest profits during the pandemic period.
This is not the perfect time to watch the news like this, especially when I am trying to make some money.

I said Jeff Bezos was selling books on the street, and for years he built an empire called (Amazon) so if Jeff Bezos did it — I could do it too.

Wait.! This is delirium.

How could someone like me and anyone else who has lived in the middle class for decades think they should be on that list? (billionaire’s list.)

It’s delirium.

No, it doesn’t, and the possibilities for being a billionaire are huge.

Steve Siebold the financial expert, sales trainer, and author. He studying millionaires for over 25 years. He is writing in his book “How Rich People Think”, he compares the way of thinking/thought and financial habit of the middle class to the wealthiest individuals and to give you an excellent shot at being a billionaire.

“I later discovered after hundreds of interviews that it wasn’t the lack of desire that held the masses back from getting wealthy, but the lack of belief in their own ability to make it happen.”

The middle-class people don’t believe in the chance to be wealthy.
The ability to bring whatever you want is huge because there’s a fine line between having a middle-class and wealthy mindset.

The secret to getting rich wasn’t in the mechanics of money; rather, it was their values and level of thinking that generated it. — steve sieblod

Real wealth is the availability of development every day because the wealthy are the long-term beneficiaries of the development process. This is micro because if you want to be a wealthy individual, then you need to have a wealthy mind, attitude, and vision.

To be a rich person, think like a rich person. Once I learned to embrace this concept, the money flowed; I started my business and eventually became a self-made millionaire. — Steve Sieblod

According to Annual Report of the White House Task Force of the Middle Class, this report shows six components that middle-class families aspire to homeownership, a car, college education for their children, health and retirement security, and occasional family vacations.

In the following section, I will review what the middle-class believe versus wealthy people’s thoughts.

The comparison’s purpose is to change your mindset about how to handle money and double it.

1- Work hard (double work equal double income)

The middle class works long hours at work they don’t like, and they don’t have the passion for it.

As Hadas Weiss, an anthropologist at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study, argues in her book “We Have Never Been Middle Class: how Social Mobility Misleads Us”: the ideologies of the middle class seem forced to live in a not constant state of competition also a constant state of worry about our assets and investments — that our hard work gets us where we are; and then,
where we are must be protected to make sure that our value remains.

Most people convince themselves of the job they hate; they stick to it.
It’s like a person stuck in the mud — unable to move forward or backward.

What that means.?

Grocery employees work harder than any other employee under AC.
Wealthy people look for jobs and invest in their souls and hearts.
Anyone can work in a grocery store, but not everybody can work in marketing or sales — plus be unique in it.

The upshot: it’s hard to find a job that you love and are passionate about.
No job is perfect and without issues, but that doesn’t prevent you from putting together a list of the potential jobs that you care about and are searching for.
Ask people that had success in their lives about jobs.
Don’t chase the money. Invest in yourself. Invest to have skills.

“People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you’re going to lose. You’re just going to. Even if you get the money, you will not be happy.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

2- Don’t Quit Growing

“Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.” — Scott Adams

The skills are the equipment that keeps you on a successful track and lets you make progress day-after-day.
The middle class is investing in formal education. They have spent money on coaches and certificates.

Before spending one dollar on any course, you must know what the market needs. Find your potential and learn from it.

It’s hard to find time during the day to learn, especially when you have a job (9–5) or if you are a mom that has three kids, these obstacles are the reason for your daily exhaustion.
I call this a sweet-sour-game — how can you enjoy sweet flavors if you’ve never tasted the bitter before.

Gary Vaynerchuk suggested two periods for workers to learn new skills
(5 am — 7 am and 7 pm — 9 pm.)
So schedule your day and find out when you will have free time to learn and do it.

Wealthy people believe in skills cause will show the quality of their work.
They invest in themselves.

The upshot: learn new skills will let you see the issue from a unique perspective. That will give you more money and knowledge.
If you love to talk to people and sell stuff, learn sales and practice it — if you love business, learn to market. If you love the design, learn (interior design, montage, etc.)
Or learn to be a talented writer to be here In Medium and write a wonderful article.

Don’t stop learn and keep hustling to learn more.

When you quit learning, you quit growing. — Elena Cardone

3- Be Brilliant Without A Formal Education

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”― Maya Angelou

Education is incredibly important for achieving progress in society.
But in recent years, education fees have become too heavy on parents and students.

Lizzy Francis said: “this year, the amount of student loan debt in the US hit $1.5 trillion. Some 44 million people owe the government that much. The average person today graduates college with $30,000 in debt.”
At least one in three recent graduates of college have a student loan.

This nightmare (Debt) is chasing most people, especially the middle class.

For her new book “Indebted: how Families Make College Work At Any Cost,” Caitlin Zaloom, a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University: “Today, college is more important in realizing that goal than ever before. When we think about what it means to be middle class, the college has to be central.
She interviewed 160 families who borrowed to send their kids to college.
Student debt, she argues, has changed the fabric of the middle-class
Family — to the extent having student loan debt is the new marker of the middle class.

With her interview with Weiss said: “Parents invest an enormous amount of time and money and effort to create a nurturing environment for their children to cultivate their skills and networks, and in ensuring that their children get a good education. But these investments in children are very long term and for that reason, the least secure of all.”

The parents will do anything to make their child successful and well educated.
Middle-class parents should be creative and rethink traditional education (to reduce their debt to themselves and their children, they must discover something new to get educated.)

The most wealthy people that we know get little education.
According to Forbes CEO Michael Dell for Dell Tech — worth rated $32 billion — He left the University of Texas at Austin his freshman year when he was 19.

Dropping out of Reed College was “one of the best decisions” I ever made. — Steve Jobs

The upshot: avoid the debt issue and have a free ticket to freedom for the next ten years.
If you don’t get an education, then that’s not the end of the world.
The internet is full of resources, and with low-fees — you can learn fabulous majors in a short amount of time.
Be aware, varying your skills will increase your chances of earning more money.
Remember that highly recommended universities and certifications don’t bring in the money. The thing that brings in the money is your persistence.

So Read more. Learn more. Spread the world.

4- Budget Trauma

According to the Annual Report of the White House Task Force of the Middle Class, middle-class people consider owning a house stays the American dream, and owning a car provides luxury and comfort in movement by avoiding crowded transportation.

These things are assets, which means no profit will come from them, these things will make more expenses over the years.
They think that owning stuff is an achievement, but it’s a stressful experience.
The report said: “… Commerce report then shows that the actual prices of median homes in different parts of the country range from $123,000 to over $400,000. Thus, depending on where they live, even high-end middle-class families will face a budget squeeze.”

The wealthy know that money brings more money — with little additional effort. They hustle to raise money before owning.
The upshot: own nothing before doubling your earnings or finding a different money stream.
If you can’t invest, start by saving some money out of your own pocket.
Owning is a glorious thing, but don’t invest all your money in luxuries.

5- Easy Come, Easy Go

The middle-class people believe these wealthy people’s money comes from nothing or their families.
But the reality is different. The wealthy work hard, just like you and me, but they invest their hard work in the right direction.

In her interview with Weiss said: “The middle-class people blame themselves for having invested poorly or insufficiently. It’s also how they judge other people’s situations.”

The upshot: nobody takes anything from you. Nobody has a perfect life.
We all struggle in different ways, but in the end, the winner is the one who doesn’t complain.
Don’t make excuses. Work, work, work.

“The real source of wealth in this new era is not material things. It is the mind, the human spirit, the human imagination, and our faith in the future.” — Steve Forbes

6- It’s Time To Take A Brave Step

“Investing money is how you will get super rich.” — Grant Cardone.

Investing is the way to achieve your dreams and let you make forward steps to a wealthy life.
The command question is when I can invest.?
Well, many people think that investment is a simple process, and a few people understand how that will go with their money grow.
There’s no specific age or time to invest or to double your earnings.
When you feel you can invest and know this is the perfect time to
Start until — do it, and when you start early that will be great.
Investment will be the major factor that will take you from the middle class to the wealthy.

Steve Siebold said: The multimillionaires of the world are constantly studying their investments — both the good and the bad. They know that the more experienced they become, the smarter they’ll get, and the easier it’ll be for them to replace money lost in high-risk deals.

In her interview with Weiss said: “People who identify as a middle class believe that whatever cards they’re dealt with, their efforts and investments in education, professional skills, homeownership, social networks, savings, insurance, and a pension drives this mobility,” she continued. “If the investments do well so they trace their good fortune to these investments but it doesn’t they will blame themselves and compline about that”

The middle class is afraid to take this step because of this terrible experience with bonds and stocks — they should know that isn’t the only path to investing.
According to, “The wealthy individuals invest in such assets as private and commercial real estate, land, gold, and even artwork. Real estate continues to be a popular asset class in their portfolios to balance out the volatility of stocks.… These assets aren’t as susceptible to market swings, and they pay off over the long term.”

The upshot: whenever you invest early, you will have a greater probability of earning a lot of money in the next twenty years.
Varying your investments in different sectors will add more money to your pocket.
Investing can be fun and will give you the experience, knowledge, and worthwhile skills you need to succeed. Day-after-day you will find investing worthwhile even on the worst of days.
Be Smart, Think Smart, Invest Smart.

To Conclusion:

Nothing is impossible in this life, and you have the magnificent power to achieve your dreams.
If you want to be a billionaire, you need to work hard.
And don’t forget that, if you want to be on the (billionaires’ list) you should follow:
1-Focus on providing value.
2- Create multiple streams of income.
3-Save to invest… Not to save.
4-Don’t show-off… Show up.
5-Change your mindset about money.
6-Invest in yourself.
7-Set goals and achieve them.
8-Surround yourself with positive and ambitious people.



Ahmed Aqel

Engineer, Writer, Entrepreneurship, Researcher. I try to spread useful knowledge to help people